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No is a complete sentence

No is a complete sentence

Why is "no" such a difficult thing to say? We're great at it when we're two. "No" seems to be our favorite word at that age (at least it was for my kids). But somewhere along the line we forget that ability; we forget the word. Someone asks us to do something that we...

How to prepare for an important conversation

How to prepare for an important conversation

It's time to have THAT conversation. In fact, it is probably long overdue. It could be a conversation that you are looking forward to, a job interview perhaps. And it also might be one that you are dreading, like a tough feedback discussion. Whether you are excited,...

Is silence a leadership skill?

Is silence a leadership skill?

“If everybody thought before they spoke, the silence would be deafening.” ~George Barzan I am definitely one of those people who “think out loud.” My business partner and I have an understanding that I can ramble on as we think through a challenge. It’s the way I...

Stick to your guns

Stick to your guns

How easily are you discouraged from doing something you want to do? How quickly do you bend to pressure? My nephew, Cameron, recently served as a great reminder that sometimes bucking popular opinion is the right way to go. Cameron was enrolled as an arts major at a...

How can you see more beauty?

How can you see more beauty?

“Everything has beauty, but not everyone sees it.” ~Confucius I was on the phone with a client the other day, and she was frustrated. At herself. At her team. At the circumstances. She detailed for me what had happened. Long story short, she’d stepped away from work...

Your strengths can hurt you

Your strengths can hurt you

I am a big proponent of 360-degree feedback – gathering the perspectives of your direct reports and staff, your peers, and your higher-ups to become more aware of how your behaviors, attitudes, and actions impact those around you. My own experience with receiving 360...

Recent Tweets

Three things you must do to be more productive #thoughtfulleaders #leadership

We learned to say “no” at a very young age. We need to learn to say it again. Not always, not every time, not to everyone – but to use it in a way that builds our leadership, our Thoughtfulness, and our success. #thoughtfulleaders #leadership

“No” is useful because it opens us up to other possibilities. To the opportunity for “yes.” Because saying “no” helps you focus on the important things, and finding your “yes” helps you know which important thing you’re choosing by saying “no.”

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