How your inner circle is damaging your team

How your inner circle is damaging your team

It’s hard to be on the outside looking in, but that is the experience of many people in their work environment. I worked for someone many years ago who believed in having an inner circle of what he deemed to be his superstars around him. These were his go-to people,...
Managing yourself out of the picture

Managing yourself out of the picture

I often counsel my clients to make themselves dispensable. They often question me when I suggest that, but I mean it. Part of a leader’s or manager’s role is to make sure that their team can survive without them – to manage themselves out of the picture. Now, you...
Build a better meeting

Build a better meeting

Ever sit in a meeting and wonder to yourself, “Why are we talking about this?” “When is he going to shut up so I can get back to my real work?” or “Is this really the best use of my time?” Often the workday is filled with back-to-back meetings. You go from conference...