by Robyn McLeod | Jul 4, 2024 | Thoughtful Leadership
When I have a coaching client who is often late to our sessions or who is constantly rescheduling, I ask questions, one of which is “Are you also often late to meetings with your colleagues?” Almost always, the answer is “Yes.” That makes sense to me, because...
by Robyn McLeod | Jan 11, 2024 | Awareness
As an executive coach I have seen more than my share of stressed-out people – leaders charged with implementing massive change, managers struggling to turn around dysfunctional teams, individuals doing their best to achieve difficult goals with far less resources than...
by Robyn McLeod | Feb 9, 2023 | Awareness
As an executive coach I have seen more than my share of stressed-out people – leaders charged with implementing massive change, managers struggling to turn around dysfunctional teams, individuals doing their best to achieve difficult goals with far less resources than...
by Robyn McLeod | May 12, 2022 | Awareness
A headline caught my eye this week – Too much engagement can lead to burnout, researchers say. I was intrigued. Employee engagement is nearly always talked about as a very good thing, something that all organizations strive for. When employees are engaged,...
by Lisa Kohn | Sep 2, 2021 | Self-Care
Now is hard. I keep reminding people of that – clients, family, friends, and strangers. Now is very, very hard. We’ve been in some form of lockdown for months. We’re in the midst of more uncertainty and upheaval than probably any, or at least many, of us have ever...