by Chatsworth Consulting Group | Feb 1, 2022 | Thoughtful Leadership
“Besides the noble art of getting things done, there is a nobler art of leaving things undone.” ~Lin Yutang There are some of us who live in overdrive. We may set a goal of slowing down, of taking time, of easing away from always pushing forward, but we...
by Lisa Kohn | Jul 1, 2021 | Thoughtful Leadership
It’s a beautiful spring day. It’s the first beautiful spring day. And just as I was about to settle into my to-do list and heaping “got to get this done” pile, a friend texted me. “You up for a walk?” Now, I know that I didn’t have time to take a walk. There were...
by Robyn McLeod | Jan 14, 2021 | Awareness
If you are like me, there are many days when I look up from my desk, see that it’s 4pm, and wonder where the day has gone. There are days when I feel that I have been productive, swimming along and checking things off of my to-do list, and I feel great. There are...
by Chatsworth Consulting Group | Sep 8, 2020 | Awareness
“If you prepare yourself at every point as well as you can…you will be able to grasp opportunity for broader experience when it appears.” ~Eleanor Roosevelt As full-time work from home continues for most of us, I hear more and more debates about the balance between...
by Robyn McLeod | Aug 27, 2020 | Awareness
Have you ever sat at your desk and realized that you just spent the last fifteen minutes staring at your computer screen stuck? From time to time, I find myself hitting a wall at work, usually mid-afternoon, and often when I am faced with a looming deadline or...