by Lisa Kohn | Aug 4, 2022 | Personal growth
I was talking with a client the other day. They had a lot going on – at work and at home – and they had been handling it up until then. But even from the very beginning of our phone call, it was clear that my client was done. Done in, in fact. There are times when we...
by Chatsworth Consulting Group | May 17, 2022 | Thoughtful Leadership
“Don’t postpone joy until you have learned all your lessons. Joy is your lesson.” ~Alan Cohen The other day my other half (in business) pointed out that many of our blog posts recently have been focused on struggle and overwhelm. Which makes sense I guess, given the...
by Lisa Kohn | Apr 7, 2022 | Personal growth
I was talking with a client the other day. They had a lot going on – at work and at home – and they had been handling it up until then. But even from the very beginning of our phone call, it was clear that my client was done. Done in, in fact. There are times when we...
by Lisa Kohn | Nov 12, 2020 | Self-Care
I was on the phone with a coaching client the other day, and she was sharing how she was in overwhelm. She had too much going on – too many to-do’s, at work and at home; too many strategic projects calling for her attention; too many employee issues that required her...
by Lisa Kohn | Sep 3, 2020 | Thoughtful Leadership
Many of us are still working from home, and we’re not sure when that will end. Many of us are living lives of seemingly endless Zoom meetings (I literally had someone ask if we could change our Zoom catchup to a phone call, as they were just “Zoomed out”) and virtual...