Mistakes welcome!

Mistakes welcome!

“The only man who never makes a mistake is the man who never does anything.” ~Theodore Roosevelt Why is it that we (that I) get so hung up on the mistakes we make? Or even sometimes on the mistakes that others make around us. What is this notion that somehow resides...
The real ways to capitalize on failure

The real ways to capitalize on failure

We have written about the benefits of not being afraid to fail – taking risks, being bold, and not limiting yourself. And when you do fail, being able to make the most of a failure through learning, growing, and pushing yourself further. Lewis Schiff, author of the...
Mistakes welcome!

Mistakes welcome!

“The only man who never makes a mistake is the man who never does anything.” ~Theodore Roosevelt Why is it that we (that I) get so hung up on the mistakes we make? Or even sometimes on the mistakes that others make around us. What is this notion that somehow resides...