by Lisa Kohn | Dec 21, 2023 | Communication
‘Tis the season of happy and merry and peace on earth. Yet it also seems to be the season of frustration and strained relationships and short fuses, at least sometimes. Why is that? We could easily write about overwhelm and overcommitment and over-doing, which are...
by Lisa Kohn | Nov 9, 2023 | Thoughtful Leadership
I was talking with a client the other day. She had just been promoted to be the team lead for her group, which she was thrilled about. She also had to deal with some challenging situations with a few of her new direct reports, which she was less than thrilled about....
by Lisa Kohn | Jun 24, 2021 | Thoughtful Leadership
I know we are lucky to do the work we do and to work with the clients with whom we work. I couldn’t feel more honored and lucky. I get to – on a daily basis – witness my clients learn and grow and be their best, most Thoughtful, selves. I was on a Zoom coaching...
by Chatsworth Consulting Group | Mar 5, 2019 | Thoughtful Leadership
“Live life as if everything were rigged in your favor.” ~Rumi I was talking to a client recently. He was detailing a situation that had occurred in his recent team meeting, and how he was certain that one of his colleagues was out to sabotage his most recent project....
by Lisa Kohn | Feb 2, 2017 | Awareness
Warning – this blog post will reveal our political standings…but it doesn’t really matter, because however you view the past election, we’re all making up stories and we have to stop! Robyn and I attended the Women’s March on Washington. It was...