You have what you need

You have what you need

“In the midst of winter, I finally learned that there was in me an invincible summer.” ~Albert Camus There are many sayings that highlight the fact that adversity can often yield the best results. “You can’t make an omelet without breaking a...
Swimming toward big dreams

Swimming toward big dreams

At the age of 61, former long distance swim champion Diana Nyad just attempted a feat that no one else has ever completed – a 103-mile, 60-hour swim from Havana, Cuba, to Key West, Florida. In watching and reading news accounts about her historic effort, I am reminded...
Get out of your head

Get out of your head

“If you work on your mind with your mind, how can you avoid an immense confusion?” ~Seng-ts’an We often get caught in our own minds trying to find a way out of a problem. Like an animal caught in a maze, or perhaps a gerbil going round and round in its...
The difference that one can make

The difference that one can make

So many people wonder if they can really make a difference. “That will never work here,” our clients often say. “No one else is doing it,” or “My boss won’t go along with that.” We challenge them to be do it anyway, to be a change agent, to be the first one. The first...