by Chatsworth Consulting Group | Jan 7, 2025 | Awareness
“Everything has beauty, but not everyone sees it.” ~Confucius I was on the phone with a client the other day, and she was frustrated. At herself. At her team. At the circumstances. She detailed for me what had happened. Long story short, she’d stepped away from work...
by Lisa Kohn | Jul 23, 2020 | Thoughtful Leadership
As we’ve written before, we coach all of our clients to be dispensable at work. I will never forget the client who stared at me in absolute shock when I told her that. “What???” she said. “I’ve spent my entire career trying to be completely indispensable. What????”...
by Lisa Kohn | Apr 16, 2020 | Self-Care
We are fortunate to be able to support some amazing clients. Our clients are amazing because of who they are and also often because of the work they do. I will always feel lucky and privileged to be considered an ally, a confidante, and “that little voice that...
by Lisa Kohn | Dec 5, 2019 | Self-Care
We are fortunate to be able to support some amazing clients. Our clients are amazing because of who they are and also often because of the work they do. I will always, perhaps especially around this time of year, feel lucky and privileged to be considered an ally, a...