Are your words and actions out of whack?

Are your words and actions out of whack?

“I tell my team all the time how great they are,” one leader recently told me. Yet, I knew from conversations with her team members that they felt their leader did not see them as competent and did not trust them with high-level work. While she said how...
Is silence a leadership skill?

Is silence a leadership skill?

“If everybody thought before they spoke, the silence would be deafening.” ~George Barzan I am definitely one of those people who “think out loud.” My business partner and I have an understanding that I can ramble on as we think through a challenge. It’s the way I...
Be brave. Show up.

Be brave. Show up.

“The willingness to show up changes us. It makes us a little braver each time.” ~Brené Brown Sometimes leading is scary. Sometimes life is scary. Sometimes something comes our way, and we don’t know how to handle it. We don’t know how to have...