One way you might be killing morale

One way you might be killing morale

It’s a common complaint from schoolchildren – one child misbehaves and the entire class is punished. My children, who happen to be very big on what is fair and right, can get really riled up when this happens. “I didn’t do anything wrong, so why do I have to miss...
Soft skills have hard-core results

Soft skills have hard-core results

Many years ago a client stopped to chat with us at the end of a leadership program for his company. “You know,” he shared, “What you offer here is the soft stuff. It’s simple, but it’s not easy.” I’ve been repeating his words for years, as I’ve never heard anyone...
The Zen of giving feedback

The Zen of giving feedback

Feedback is something we all hate to do. I teach this stuff and yet I sometimes cringe at having to deliver constructive feedback (we consultants and coaches call it “constructive” or “developmental” instead of “negative”), and I...