by Chatsworth Consulting Group | Oct 29, 2012 | Personal growth
“If you can dream it, you can do it.” ~Walt Disney In so many ways, we are surrounded by adages that urge us onward and upward. “The sky is the limit.” “Reach for the stars.” “If you build it, they will come.” Yet we...
by Chatsworth Consulting Group | Jul 9, 2012 | Thoughtful Leadership
“Even a mistake may turn out to be the one thing necessary to a worthwhile achievement.” ~Henry Ford We lambast ourselves (and others) for mistakes. “What was I thinking?” we lament. “How could I (or you) have been so stupid?” Yet...
by Chatsworth Consulting Group | Jul 2, 2012 | Change
“Living at risk is jumping off the cliff and building your wings on the way down.” ~Ray Bradbury The very thought of this scares me…and exhilarates me. Somehow the visual clearly comes to mind of running towards a cliff and leaping, without having...
by Chatsworth Consulting Group | May 30, 2011 | Awareness
“This above all: to thine own self be true.” ~William Shakespeare What I love about effective leadership, both in business and in life, is that there almost always is more than one way to successfully do something and more than one answer to any question...
by Chatsworth Consulting Group | May 16, 2011 | Change
“I have not failed. I have merely found 10,000 ways that did not work.” ~Thomas Edison How often do we quit because, in our minds at least, we’ve failed? We try something new, only to feel defeated and give up our attempts and our dreams. Would we...