How to make criticism charming

How to make criticism charming

“Anyone can be accurate and even profound, but it is hard work to make a criticism charming.” ~H.L. Mencken If the primary goal of feedback is to help, and motivate, someone to change their behavior, it seems to me that the secondary goal of feedback is to...
Does intention even matter?

Does intention even matter?

Whenever we teach communication skills, we talk about the importance of intention. One of the first things you see on our website – “Be intentional.” Obviously, we think that intention is everything. But, in some ways, it’s also nothing. It is...
Are you a talk-thinker or a quiet-thinker?

Are you a talk-thinker or a quiet-thinker?

An acquaintance of mine, we’ll call her Dana, is starting a new business venture with a friend of hers. “We are trying to figure each other out,” Dana said. “We have known each other for a long time but not in a business sense. We are just...