“Life is very short. What we have to do, we have to do in the now.”
~Audre Lorde

I have come to the conclusion that no matter how long my life will be, it will most likely be shorter than I want it to be.

This makes me even more intentional in how I live. Or at least it makes me want to be even more intentional in how I live.

Much of the work we do, with individuals as Executive Coaches and with intact teams, is helping our clients also become more intentional – in how they live, in how they lead, in how they interact, and in what they make sure they do “in the now.”

It is all too easy to get caught up in the day-to-day, crossing things off our to-do list and focusing on the urgent but not very important things. Getting through our email Inbox. Responding to the most recent “crisis” or “emergency.” Tackling tasks that may not take much brain power, but that don’t yield much output either.

But when we stop and realize how short life may be, we can pull back to pause and think about what really matters and what we really want and need to do, in the now.

As many of you know, I had cancer about two years ago. Hearing those words for the first time. That’s something that you just don’t forget. I know that Audre also had cancer, and that she died of cancer. So this quote resonates even more with me as it reminds me to make the most of each moment I have here. I offer it to all of you as well.

If there are things that are important to me, I need to do them, instead of putting them off or procrastinating or doubting and questioning myself. That next book I want to write? I can at least start it now, if not do it now. The family and friends I want to spend more time with? I can arrange my work and schedule to do that now. The chance to hopefully make a difference with our clients – as individuals, teams, and organizations? I certainly have the opportunity to do that now. To keynote more. Coach more. Hopefully guide (and learn from) our clients more.

Life is short, and it is also a gift. What is important to you that you haven’t been doing. Why not do it now?

What have you decided to do now?
Click here and let us know, as simply stating it to others can help you hold yourself more accountable.

If you enjoyed this post, you can read more like it in our book, The Power of Thoughtful Leadership: 101 Minutes To Being the Leader You Want To Be, available on Amazon.

For support in doing it now, contact Lisa at lkohn@chatsworthconsulting.com.

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Photo Credit: Ivelin Radkov/Bigstock.com

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