“You don’t have to wait until you get to the top of a mountain to enjoy the view.”
~Eleanor Brown
Life can seem overwhelming, especially now. At first we were just, handling work-from-home. Figuring out how to get everything done that we need to get done. Trying to manage and lead our teams (or organizations) while seeing people only on our small and large devices. Making space for the people we live with – and the children, partners, pets, and weird backgrounds that show up with our colleagues as we connect virtually. And now life is even more complicated, more complex, and more painful.
It all can seem overwhelming. And it can feel like we’ll never get to where we need to get to.
Yes, now is hard. Very hard. And yet, the only way we’ll have the stamina to continue on this journey is if we make time to pause, wherever we are, take a breath, and notice some of what is right around us. To take in the view. Even in the midst of the challenging news and exhaustion we may be feeling, there are vistas to take pleasure in before we’re at the top of this mountain. There are small wins to celebrate before we achieve our full goal. There are joys to delight in and delights to savor and people and places and things to appreciate before we hit the summit.
Many people tout the power of gratitude lists and positive psychology. As Executive Coaches we recommend using gratitude and appreciation to nearly all of our clients. Especially, the list of three – each day (or night) listing three things you’re grateful for and what you did to help make those the things happen or be. This increases our sense of awe and appreciation – which literally broadens our peripheral vision and, therefore, expands our horizons – and strengthens our sense of self-efficacy – so we have more confidence in our ability to handle whatever comes our way. Perhaps now, more than ever, this is a powerful practice to commit to.
We don’t have to be at the top of the mountain to list these three things – or to enjoy the view.
How do you stop and enjoy the view?
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If you enjoyed this post, you can read more like it in our book, The Power of Thoughtful Leadership: 101 Minutes To Being the Leader You Want To Be, available on Amazon.
If you want to make sure you’re enjoying more of the view along the way, contact Lisa at lkohn@chatsworthconsulting.com.
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Photo Credit: Edgar Bullon/Bigstock.com
So true! I believe it’s simply not possible to reach the mountain top if we don’t stop to appreciate along the way. In fact, I think some reach the top and don’t know it because they aren’t in the habit of appreciation. Then they start the trek down the other side and don’t realize they missed the full experience. 🙂
Hi Ellen,
Thank you. I couldn’t agree more, and you reminded me to, again, stop and appreciate the view of where I am right now!