“Each of us has the opportunity to change and grow until our very last breath. Happy creating.”
~M.F. Ryan
I know it seems like a trite phrase, “every moment is a new beginning.” It may seem trite, especially in this moment, but it’s true.
There is always a chance to begin again. There is always an opportunity to learn something new or to try something different. There is always the freedom to experiment with a novel approach or to change how you see or do things. Again, at least in some ways, this is true now more than ever.
There is always the opportunity to be someone or something different. To find a new way to see the world or to become aware of your strengths and challenges and find a way to be your best self.
Not that we’re suggesting that you – that any of us – need to change who we are. One of the first Thoughtful leadership behaviors we teach is knowing and accepting who you are. But there are ways in which we all get in our own way. There are thought patterns we have and ways we behave that limit us. They limit our effectiveness, our leadership, our connection with others, and our joy. And now can be an opportunity to look Thoughtfully at our lives and our leadership and to intentionally choose what we will learn from this experience.
Take care of yourself, and enjoy the journey.
How have you changed and grown recently?
Please leave a comment.
If you enjoyed this post, you can read more like it in our book, The Power of Thoughtful Leadership: 101 Minutes To Being the Leader You Want To Be, available on Amazon.
For support in being all you want to be, contact Lisa at lkohn@chatsworthconsulting.com.
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