“The best way to predict the future is to create it.”
~Abraham Lincoln

We partner with our clients as they think and plan strategically – creating safe space and facilitating conversations so that leadership teams can question and evaluate their current practices, envision a future that inspires and challenges them (and their organization), and map out next steps to get to their desired future. We challenge our coaching clients to envision their own personal future and map out the necessary next steps to get there. Along with that, we help them list the behaviors and attitudes they need to acquire, as well as the behaviors and approaches they need to walk away from.

All of this planning – the discussing, the evaluating, the considering, the imagining – helps our clients create their future, which, as stated above, is the best way for them to predict their future.

Wishing things would change, but doing nothing to bring that change about. Wanting to achieve a goal, but not making room for that goal or taking steps toward that goal. Dreaming about a different tomorrow, but complacently letting today be as today is. Talking about your vision, but taking no action. These are all pretty sure-fire ways to not get to the future we desire.

However, when we walk that fine line between knowing there is much in life that we can’t control – perhaps especially future outcomes – and doing what we can to help bring about our coveted future outcomes, we have more of a chance of creating the future we desire. One of my hardest personal life lessons was to let go of my irrational desire and need to control everything and to realize that there are many, many things that are outside of my control. However, there are still shifts I can make in my approaches, thought patterns, behaviors, etc. that will bring me closer to the future I desire.

That will allow me to be able to predict the future because I’ve done what is in my power to create it.

How have you predicted – and then created – your own future?
Please leave a comment.

If you enjoyed this post, you can read more like it in our book, The Power of Thoughtful Leadership: 101 Minutes To Being the Leader You Want To Be, available on Amazon.

For support in creating the future you desire, contact Lisa at lkohn@chatsworthconsulting.com.

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