“The most wasted day is one in which we have not laughed.”~Sebastién-Roch Chamfort
Laughter is free, contagious, and healing, so why don’t we laugh more often? I have seen clients and colleagues break through insurmountable challenges and relationship breakdowns through laughter. I have experienced the amazing results of laughter myself. Why don’t we laugh more often?
I have decided that we learn to take life much, much too seriously. There are important things to take care of, issues to resolve, schedules to keep, goals to achieve. We make these a focal point of our thoughts and actions, and “know” that working harder is better and that we must stay intensely focused in order to achieve.
I have, however, seen the opposite to be true, and sometimes I even stop and remember that when I’m driven to an endpoint. I have witnessed the breakthroughs accompanied by a hearty guffaw; I have accomplished more when I stop trying so damn hard and simply enjoy myself along the way; I have encouraged my clients to successfully laugh and play, even in the midst of deadlines and crises, to greater attainment – and watched their list of to-do’s and issues become resolved.
There are so many reasons, big and small, to laugh in a given day, if we only look for them. There are innumerable pleasures and humorous incidents that are ours for the taking, if we’re open to laughter. Laughter will bring us joy and enjoyment, and it will fuel us to better handle all that we’re facing – if we choose it. Laughter will keep us from wasting our days, and our lives. Radical, huh?
Where are the opportunities for laughter in your life right now? What can you laugh about?
Look for reasons to laugh, and then laugh your heart out.
What do you love to laugh about?
Please leave a comment to share.
If you enjoyed this post, you can read more like it in our book, The Power of Thoughtful Leadership: 101 Minutes To Being the Leader You Want To Be, available on Amazon.
For support in finding more reasons to laugh, contact Lisa at lkohn@chatsworthconsulting.com.
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Photo Credit: zurijeta/Bigstock.com