“I don’t know what my path is yet. I’m just walking on it.”
~Olivia Newton-John

Sometimes we don’t know where we’re going until we get there. Sometimes we know where we want to end up, but we’re not quite sure the best path. Sometimes it’s just not clear. And sometimes that’s okay.

We write a lot about being intentional and purposeful – about being Thoughtful – and that is an essential part of strong leadership. But sometimes we have to just walk the path we’re on, even if we don’t know exactly where we’re headed. Sometimes that’s the best way to move forward.

I’ve had clients question their journey, especially when they don’t really know where they’re going. They may desperately want to hit a specific destination, but they haven’t yet figured out their next best step. When that happens, I encourage them to keep questioning…and to keep going. To have the vision of where they want to be in the long run, as much as possible, and to keep moving towards that. By keeping their eyes, ears, and minds open as they walk their path, they’re open to learning and possibilities. They’re open to thoughts that might not have occurred to them, and destinations they might not have considered. They’re open to inspiration and support they may find along the way.

We can have a clear goal, and yet not know the clearest path to get there. We can have a vague goal, and not the vaguest idea on what our next step should be. At those times we need to keep taking steps, and trust that our path will be revealed as we walk upon it. That we’ll “know it when we get there” and “figure it out as we go along.”

Sometimes it’s helpful to plan and intend – most times in fact. And sometimes we simply have to walk our path, even if we don’t know what our path is yet. We just have to keep walking it.

What path are you on?
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If you enjoyed this post, you can read more like it in our book, The Power of Thoughtful Leadership: 101 Minutes To Being the Leader You Want To Be, available on Amazon.

For guidance on walking your path when you don’t know where you’re going, contact Lisa at lkohn@chatsworthconsulting.com.

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