The other day I was on the phone with a client, and our conversation shifted. “I want to be more intentional,” he said. “I need to be more intentional.”

“Great,” I answered.

There was a long pause. “Well,” he asked, “How do I do it?”

How does one do it? How does one become more intentional and Thoughtful? Those are powerful questions.

“Well,” I began, “Let’s see.” Then I thought of my own life, which is sometimes a good resource for my coaching. “When I’m focused on being intentional, I could get up each morning and declare, ‘Today I’m going to add value to each client I speak with, love my kids more, notice the big and little things around me that bring me joy, and find more ways to connect with others about Thoughtful Leadership.’”

“That’s great!” my client responded. “That’s great that you do that every morning. I love it! What a great way to start the day!”

“I don’t necessarily do it,” I answered. “Well not yet.”

Maybe being more intentional is that easy. Before I put my feet on the floor in the morning, I could get clear on the way I want to approach all aspects of my life. Before I meet with each client, I could get clear on how I want to connect with him or her, how I want to show up. Before I step into the house at the end of the day, I could get clear on the type of mom I want to be.

I am clear on all these things – but often in the abstract. I could, like I advised my client, spend just a few moments getting even clearer, intentionally clearer. Because when I do, I find that I’m more likely to show up the way I want to and to have the interactions (and results) I’m looking for.

In this season of reflection, thanksgiving, and gratitude, I challenge myself (and you) to get even more intentional. To start each day, each moment, each interaction with intentionality, purpose, and Thoughtfulness. Before I respond to an email, pick up the phone, step into my office, step into the kitchen, spend time with the people in my life – before all these things I can take a few seconds and get Thoughtful and intentional.

My clients who have spent a few minutes intentionally in intentionality have shared with me some great results. They feel more focus. They connect better with others. The actually get more done – and more of the right things done. I notice the same in my life and myself when I take the time as well.

I am more of the leader, coach, mom, friend, partner, and person that I want to be. And it’s a lot more fun.

How can you be more intentional? What do you want to be more intentional about?
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If you enjoyed this post, you can read more like it in our book, The Power of Thoughtful Leadership: 101 Minutes To Being the Leader You Want To Be, available on Amazon.

For support in bringing more intention into your work and life, contact Lisa at

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