Unfortunately it happens to nearly all of us, if not all of us, at some point. We hate our job. Really, really hate our job.

That’s not a good feeling, because we spend so much time at our jobs. And have so much of ourselves invested in our jobs. Yet even as leaders, we may find that there are times when we hate our job.

I remember the last job I hated. Each day, on my commute, the train would pass a certain stop and I’d feel myself sink into misery. I hated where I was going and I hated how I felt there. I even hated what I did there.

There is good news, though, about that horrible feeling. I know that my hatred forced me to get out – and to start this business in fact. I couldn’t let myself be miserable any longer, so I took my plunge.

In talking through the plight of job-hatred with others, I’ve found that there are often positives to be found in this huge negative. We start something new. We find a way to appreciate the little things – at home and at work – which gives us a better outlook overall. We get ourselves involved in projects at work that we might otherwise have avoided, or endeavors outside of work that enrich our lives.

In fact, the best way to survive that hatred is to find the energy to gain something positive. This U.S. News blog post by Miriam Salpeter offers a number of suggestions, big and small, on surviving – and even thriving – through job-hatred. She suggests figuring out common themes around the things that you hate about your job, so that you can address them (or your own attitude), and finding ways to let go of tasks you particularly hate (if possible) and get involved with projects that excite you.

It really stinks to really, really hate your job. But it’s someplace many of us have been, and someplace many who work for us might be. We need to recognize the signs of job-hatred in ourselves and others, and find the ways to turn that hatred into something that brings success.

What’s helped you when you’ve hated your job?
Please leave a comment.

If you enjoyed this post, you can read more like it in our book, The Power of Thoughtful Leadership: 101 Minutes To Being the Leader You Want To Be, available on Amazon.

For support in getting the most out of the job you hate – or getting out – contact Lisa at lkohn@chatsworthconsulting.com.

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