“I have always intended to live forever; but not until now, to live now.”
~Galway Kinnell

I can’t say that I’ve intended to live forever, although I must admit that sometimes that sounds like a good idea. However the concept to live now now, is one I want to get my head around.

So often we live in the past – remembering good times, nursing old wounds, reliving resentments, working through our “if only I had.” Too often we live for the future – believing life will be better when and if, putting things aside for a rainy day, or storing our best dishes for when company comes. We simply forget to live in the now, now.

I’ve watched clients risk ruining their future with a newly promoted boss because they’ve been unable to let go of past instances. I’ve witnessed colleagues put off accomplishing goals (or enjoying successes) because they’ve longed for the one special project that seems to elude them. And all the while, the opportunity to flourish, achieve, and savor all that was right in the current circumstances passed them by.

It’s hard to live in the now. We’re trained to set our sights on goals and to feel a sense of accomplishment only when we achieve them. However, living in the now allows me to notice my small steps towards my goal, or acknowledge how hard I’m working and how much I’m learning, whether or not I make it all the way. Human nature has us cling to past occurrences so that we can learn from the past, and our memories at times define and inspire us. Yet right now is an opportunity for me to do my best, no matter what happened in the past, or to simply decide to let go of past slights and start with a clean slate.

I like the concept of living in now. Greeting each day and each person with a sense of excitement and possibility. Feeling the breeze on my skin. With this approach I can bring my best to each moment because I’m not hampered by what’s happened before or what might happen in the future. I can delight in the sunshine, the camaraderie of colleagues, the joy of watching a work project unfold. I can be more present to what’s going on around me, and most likely move forward more successfully. I can live now, now.

Stop when you feel yourself being drawn from this moment and be where your feet are. Feel the breeze on your skin. Notice the people around you. Focus on what is in front of you. And enjoy it.

Where are you in the past or the future? How can you be more in the now?
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If you enjoyed this post, you can read more like it in our book, The Power of Thoughtful Leadership: 101 Minutes To Being the Leader You Want To Be, available on Amazon.

For a free consultation on living now now, contact Lisa at lkohn@chatsworthconsulting.com.

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