“There’s always a next time for something.”~Max Trachtenberg
It was a nine-year-old who said this, while aiming for something else. I believe the saying he was aiming for was “There’s always a first time for everything,” but I think I like his mis-saying better.
There’s always a next time for something opens me up to possibilities. It reminds me that while I may be waiting for my ship to come in, if I miss my ship, there will most likely be another one. Or I suppose, there might be a train or plane instead. There’s always a next time for something reminds me that things are always changing, always evolving, always moving – and that I don’t have to worry because something else will happen and other opportunities will open up. There’s always a next time for something reminds me to breathe and relax and to allow things to unfold. It reminds me that I can start with a “beginner’s mind,” forget what I already assume is true, and be open – like we shared about in our recent blog, Throw out what you know.
I’ve coached clients through their frustration when the “perfect” promotion was given to someone else. When the plum assignment was handed to their colleague. When their project was delayed. And I’ve watched as their next something appeared. It is hard to remember when “this time” doesn’t work, yet by training our minds to recall other instances when things looked like they had stalled but a “next time” appeared, or reminding ourselves to look for possibilities we haven’t considered or to ask for input from someone with a more big-picture perspective, or by simply repeating to ourselves, over and over if necessary, “There’s always a next time for something,” we can keep our selves in a “next time” frame of mind.
There’s always a next time for something. Even if it was said by mistake, it’s something worth remembering!
When things don’t go right, remember that there’s always a next time.
When do you need to remember that there’s always a next time for something? Where could you be more open to possibilities?
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If you enjoyed this post, you can read more like it in our book, The Power of Thoughtful Leadership: 101 Minutes To Being the Leader You Want To Be, available on Amazon.
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Photo Credit: Maklay62/Pixabay.com
Excellent blog-post-inspiring comment by my bandmate Max Trachtenberg!
Glad it inspires! He still quotes himself on it (and still enjoys drumming)!