It’s obvious that I love quotes. And now that I live near Philadelphia, I’m coming to love Ben Franklin. He apparently founded the first everything – hospital, library, and fire station. Oh and our nation. That’s why when I came across this blog, 14 lessons from Benjamin Franklin about getting what you want in life, I loved it and had to share it.

If we tried to take on just a few of Ben’s suggestions – if we focused on less talk and more action, or avoided busywork and spent our time on tasks that mattered, or, two of my favorites combined, if we kept going but gave ourselves permission to make mistakes along the way – we’d be more successful. Ben’s lesson remind me of our blog Why wait for your ship to come in? It’s about Thoughtful Leadership; determining what we need to achieve and how we can bring our best self forward to achieve it.

If we put our effort where it would most matter and determined to learn as much as we could along the way, we’d most likely get more done…and the things we got done would be the important things. Maybe we’d invent bifocals, or capture electricity. Or maybe we’d simply move forward more effectively at work, lead more thoughtfully and successfully, and show up in our homes, families, and communities and really make a difference.

Ben Franklin had a great deal to share – and his ideas may be somewhat dated, but I believe they still work. My favorite quote of his, for today, is one that this blog neglected to share – “If you would be loved, love, and be loveable.” I think that says it all.

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