I grew up singing this lyric, as nearly everyone from New York or New Jersey did…and yet only very recently has it stuck in my mind as a useful concept for leadership – in life and in business.

There are so many things we face, so many challenges that come our way, and so many times we feel overwhelmed and beaten down. We are surrounded by change, and get stuck in the midst of everything that is happening around us. We can’t see the forest through the trees; can’t see the light at the end of the tunnel; can’t see the way out of the craziness that surrounds and envelops us. Things change, and change, and change again, and we’re expected to flow with it and still excel. And as a leader, we’re also expected to help others through the change and the challenges.

When we can remember The Boss’s (Bruce Springsteen, for those of you who are not die-hard fans) advice, that someday we’ll look back on this and it will all seem funny, we can generally find a way to handle our stress and our situation better. We can find our way through change. We can lead, with laughter, those around us. We can look for the lightness and the humor in a situation, or at least remember that we’ll have another perspective in due time. We offered further perspective on this in a past blog, You’ll look back and laugh.

Change and challenges surround us – there are times that it seems that the only thing constant is change. Yet if we know how to move through the change, maintain our perspective through the change, and even laugh through the change, we can be best prepared to succeed.

Next time you’re facing challenges and change remember The Boss’s advice – and help yourself to our Critical Success Factors to Managing Change to see what ideas and best practices that offers you as well.
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If you enjoyed this post, you can read more like it in our book, The Power of Thoughtful Leadership: 101 Minutes To Being the Leader You Want To Be, available on Amazon.

If you want support moving through change, contact Lisa at lkohn@chatsworthconsulting.com.

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