We have shared our perspectives on employee engagement and positive, thoughtful leadership in previous posts. Here’s a piece that cites great research on the direct correlation between positive employee perceptions of their organization and company performance. This Harvard Business Review blog post describes Organizational Identification – an individual’s connection with a company’s character or reputation – as a factor in why employees are attracted to certain organizations and how that connection builds loyalty in retaining employees and customers.

The research further maps out the connection between a manager’s Organizational Identification or OI, its positive impact on their employee’s OI, and further the perceptions of customers. It reminds me of the customer satisfaction cycle we often share with leaders, which shows that what managers think and feel impacts what they say and do, which in turn impacts what employees think and feel and what they say and do, which ultimately affects the experience that customers have – what they think and feel about your organization, and thus what they say about your organization and what they do.

The HBR post suggests that a key way to increase your organization’s OI factor is to focus on developing and growing your company’s character. This is not about putting out great ads or creating values posters to hang on the office walls, rather it is about the actions your organization takes regularly to demonstrate a true commitment to the principles and values you hold dear. That’s what current and future employees and customers will see and connect with.

What are you doing to raise the OI of your leaders, managers, employees, and ultimately your customers? How can you differentiate your organization to stand out among the crowd?
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If you enjoyed this post, you can read more like it in our book, The Power of Thoughtful Leadership: 101 Minutes To Being the Leader You Want To Be, available on Amazon.

For help making your organization stand out, contact Robyn at rmcleod@chatsworthconsulting.com.

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