Sometimes we focus so hard on how to “lead” – what experience we need to have, what credentials we need to compile, what the latest management guru is recommending, what skills we need to develop. We spend so much time focusing on these issues, we often forget that connecting with others is an essential part of being successful – knowing how to influence, how to persuade, how to impress.

I came upon this blog by Guy Kawasaki, and it captures connecting with others in a very simple way – it’s about likability. Guy’s tips about “How to increase your likability” are points that we’ve probably all considered and suggestions we’ve most likely shared with others, but he captures (and illustrates) them in a simple, memorable way.

If we all follow these tips, we’ll most likely be more successful – at connecting with others, leading, and getting where we’re going in life and work. I also think if we all followed these tips the world would be a bit smoother and nicer. Take a look.

Enchantment - Increase Likability

If you enjoyed this post, you can read more like it in our book, The Power of Thoughtful Leadership: 101 Minutes To Being the Leader You Want To Be, available on Amazon.

If you want to increase your likability, contact Lisa at

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