The other day I was at a Women’s Leadership event, and I was struck by the power and charisma of one of the speakers. She was relatively young – in her thirties, African-American, and poised to step into leadership of the privately-owned firm founded by her father – within a largely male-dominated industry. She was amazing, and she also had, at least from the outside, so many potential challenges and obstacles in front of her.
I approached her during one of the session breaks and asked whether or not she worked with a coach. She replied that she didn’t, and I blurted out “Oh, you really deserve to have a coach to support you.” I think the word deserve caught her attention and even caused her pause, because she looked up at me. “Deserve?” she questioned. “I thought that I might need coaching, but I never thought of it as something I might deserve.”
I quickly explained to her, as I explain to others often, that the support of a coach is a gift we give ourselves – when we want more clarity, intention (or purpose), success, and even balance in our lives. “I don’t care whom you find to support you,” I offered, “I just suggest as strongly as I can that you find someone. A coach can be your cheerleader, mirror, brainstorming companion, accountability partner. A coach can truly help you do what you say you want to do – and help you lead your organization more effectively, successfully, and impactfully.”
I think it’s clear to anyone who speaks with me about coaching that I firmly believe in its value, and that I love being a coach and partnering with my clients. I also love being coached. Through my own partnership with my coach I’ve gathered greater levels of insight than I ever could have on my own; numerous ideas for potential solutions to challenges I’ve faced; incredible amounts of support through tougher times in my business and life; the opportunity to reflect, to grow, to imagine an even better future and stronger Chatsworth Consulting Group, and to challenge myself to be the best I can be.
What benefits have you gained from partnering with a coach?
Please leave a comment.
If you enjoyed this post, you can read more like it in our book, The Power of Thoughtful Leadership: 101 Minutes To Being the Leader You Want To Be, available on Amazon.
If you would like to partner with a coach, contact Lisa at
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Hi Lisa, That is good. In all my years of coaching I’v enever heard that and it is so true.
Thanks for the new perspective
Work Stress Coaches
Work Stress Coaches
Thanks for your thoughts Ed and glad to hear it was a new perspective. I firmly believe that we all truly deserve a coach to support us and help us move forward more thoughtfully and joyfully.