“Not what we have, but what we enjoy, constitutes our abundance.”

I was talking recently with a client about our culture of wanting more. And more. And more. It seems that many of us have been conditioned to feel as if we never have quite enough, or we’ve never done quite enough.

I’ve become a firm believer in being a “glass half-full” person. Don’t get me wrong – I know the benefits of recognizing issues and calling out problems and challenges. I realize how important it is to see reality and deal with reality – to not stay in denial but face what I need to face in order to move through situations or with people. However, I also know that abundance can truly be a matter of mindset, and always wanting and striving for more can set us back, slow us down, and keep us from appreciating what’s right in front of us.

Have you ever noticed that two different people can be in very nearly the same situation, and to one it can be awful and insurmountable, and to the other it can be promising and good? Again, abundance can truly be a matter of mindset. Of perspective. Of how we look at and interpret situations and people.

More and more research is showing the benefits of positive psychology, of an upbeat frame of mind. The research highlights that while looking at reality is essential, getting stuck in things that keep us down works to our disadvantage. In other words, an “attitude of gratitude” – or of abundance – can fuel us and fire us up to work harder, achieve more, and have a better time along the way.

So, if an attitude of abundance can support us to lead – and live – the way we want to – Thoughtfully, intentionally, with passion and, dare I say, joy, then it stands to reason that we can affect our lives, and our abundance by how we view the world. We can, if we listen to Epicurus, find more things we enjoy and suck more abundance out of life.

How do you find, and enjoy, abundance in your life?
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If you enjoyed this post, you can read more like it in our book, The Power of Thoughtful Leadership: 101 Minutes To Being the Leader You Want To Be, available on Amazon.

If you want more abundance, and more to enjoy, contact Robyn at rmcleod@chatsworthconsulting.com.

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