“By yielding you may obtain victory.”

Just the other day I was about to tear my hair out because of my 3-year old son. All I needed to do was get out the door to run a few errands. And I swear, when I have an agenda, something I need to get done, it’s like he smells it. And he pushes equally hard in the opposite direction. I find myself screaming (at least inside) at him – and then I lose it even more because I know that that’s not the way I want to parent.

When I can finally let go of my agenda, take a breath, and give in to him and allow both of us to enjoy the moment, we get out the door so much easier. It seems that’s a metaphor for life. When faced with a problem, why do we try so hard and push so intensely against it? Perhaps it’s human nature; perhaps it’s what we’ve been taught. Whatever the reason, it seems that most of us have the impulse to always push harder, do more, fight more intensely to get what we want and force the outcome that we desire. The truth is, it is often when we relax and let go that what we want comes to us. Physics actually teaches us that the best way to overcome an obstacle is not to push against it — this only increases the force that pushes against us in opposition.

The best response is to go with the flow, not fight the current by swimming upstream — to put our efforts in areas that are pushing for what we want, rather than pushing against the things that are pushing against us. Yielding, rather than fighting, and putting our efforts where we will realize greater gain.

Where are you fighting or pushing hard against someone or something? Where do you need to let go and yield?

Choose one area where you are fighting for what you want, and let go — and note the results. Perhaps choose a smaller, “safer” issue, or choose one that is really, really pulling you down and draining your energy. Either way, use your reserved energy for something positive and watch what happens.

How do you yield and how does it work for you?
Please leave a comment to share.

If you enjoyed this post, you can read more like it in our book, The Power of Thoughtful Leadership: 101 Minutes To Being the Leader You Want To Be, available on Amazon.

For help in yielding to obtain victory, contact Lisa at lkohn@chatsworthconsulting.com.

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