“A successful person is one who can lay a firm foundation with the bricks that others throw at him or her.”~David Brinkley
I was speaking with a colleague recently who told her tale of woe about a large project she was heading up at work. She shared a litany of roadblocks and obstacles. “Every time I turn around,” she said, “It’s like someone else has come up with yet another ridiculous hoop I have to jump through and a reason why my project will fail…or shouldn’t even be started. At times I just want to quit.”
As I listened to her I reflected on the many times I’ve felt the same way in my own life and career. I brought to mind the countless clients who’ve shared similar circumstances and similar visceral reactions. Then I remembered the times I’ve seen myself or others successfully work through endless attacks and roadblocks.
The successful times are those when we do take the bricks that others throw at us and find a way to build an even firmer foundation for ourselves, or our project. When we learn from the complaints, incorporate the criticism, take the roadblocks as a chance to reassess and readjust, and find an even better way. We choose not to be defeated, not to give up, and not to live our life dodging thrown bricks, but instead to build an even stronger foundation for the project we’re leading, the goal we’re after, the life of our dreams, and the person we want to be.
Where have you been dodging thrown bricks? How can you take those bricks to build a firm foundation?
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Take a few moments and reflect on the bricks you have been dodging – and then get still and allow yourself to see the ways to use these bricks to build an even firmer foundation for what you’re after. Perhaps journal your thoughts, determinations, and future plans.
If you enjoyed this post, you can read more like it in our book, The Power of Thoughtful Leadership: 101 Minutes To Being the Leader You Want To Be, available on Amazon.
For support in building a firm foundation, contact Robyn at rmcleod@chatsworthconsulting.com.
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